iTind Procedure
The iTind™ procedure is a safe and effective treatment for symptoms of enlarged prostate (BPH) in men aged 50 and older who have not found relief with prescription medications but are not yet ready for surgical treatment options. The temporary implant reshapes the prostatic urethra to allow for better urine flow. The procedure can be done in your Urologist’s office, and most patients go home without a catheter.
In your BPH story…
The Prostate is the Villain & the Bladder is the Victim.
Protect Your Bladder Health!
Save yourself from a life of catheters, incontinence and infections.
Make the Invisible … Visible by getting the proper testing to see what the Condition is of your Condition!
Discover the Right Mechanical Solution (when warranted) for your Mechanical Problem.
Register at for your “FREE” education about BPH.
Don’t choose to do nothing: This can needlessly put your bladder at-risk for permanent death and dysfunction.
Don’t be the guy that ignored symptoms & suffered the consequences (The Five Stages of Bladder Health)
Three Critical Data Points will guide you:
Bladder Health Baseline
Prostate Size
Prostate Shape
What Diagnostic Testing are required?
“Bladder Health Baseline”: At MD for Men, Enhanced Urodynamic Testing will assess whether the bladder is struggling and if it is becoming too weak to squeeze properly.
Ultrasound Imaging of the Prostate: To measure the height, length & width and to calculate the 3-Dimensional Size (Because when it comes to BPH … Size Does Matter … in determining possible treatment options)
Advanced Urodynamic testing using Cystoscopy (a small camera to look on the inside) with MANesthesia Laughing Gas: A visual inspection will screen for bladder stones, scar tissue, bladder cancer, prostate shape and deterioration of the bladder muscle.
Visit #1: Meet & Greet - Bladder Health Counseling (Approx. Time: 30 minutes)
Learn about the 5 Stages of Bladder Health.
Internationally-validated symptom score assessment
Understand what is at-stake if the choice is made to do nothing about your BPH.
Prostate Ultrasound with Digital Rectal Exam & PSA when warranted
Urine Screening to assess for diabetes, blood, infection.
Bladder Ultrasound Scan to measure how much gets left behind after you pee.

Visit #2: Putting All the Cards on the Table (Approx. Time: 60 minutes)
“Bladder Health Baseline” Pressure-Flow Study
Advanced Urodynamics: Cystoscopy with MANesthesia Laughing Gas
Enhanced Urodynamics for a Bladder Health Baseline
Debrief to outline all possible treatment options
Discover if you are a candidate for the Least Invasive Surgical Therapy like iTind.
Ask about Cash Pricing Options & Special Accommodations for folks coming from out-of-town.
Here are the Four Categories of Deobstructing Technologies that could Save Your Bladder!
“LIST” - Least Invasive Surgical Therapy (Preferred by most men if they are a candidate)
Non-Permanent Technologies with Minimal Risk in the Office Setting
“MIST” - Minimally Invasive Surgical Therapy
Permanent Technologies with Low Risk in the Office Setting
“IST” - Invasive Surgical Therapy
Permanent Technologies with Medium Risk in the Hospital Setting
“MOST” - Most Invasive Surgical Therapy
Permanent Technologies with Higher Risk in the Hospital Setting.
One Size Does Not Fit All !
Discover your Trifecta of Truth !
Then Debrief with Dr. Kuang to identify the Deobstructing Technology that is best for you, your prostate and your bladder.
For the right prostate and the right bladder, the “Least Invasive Surgical Therapy” is what all men naturally want! If you are a candidate, MD for Men is honored to be able to offer the iTind Device as a meaningful LIST option for so many men!
iTind (aka Temporarily Implanted Nitinol Device) uses state-of-the-art technology to actually “reshape” the donut-hole of the prostate to a larger size and caliber allowing for better flow so that a struggling bladder muscle doesn’t work as hard and can breathe easier. In only 5-7 days, iTind creates smooth incisions to open up the prostate donut-hole … in the office …with minimal risk to your sexual function … with over 95% of men not requiring a catheter and a rapid recovery.
Here what other men have to say about iTind: